Saturday, 20 September 2014

Magazine Review: Knitting

I love Knitting magazine, I really don't know why it's taken me so long to get round to subscribing as I've been buying it every month for ages. Now I do subscribe, and the newest issue dropped through my letter box this morning! I'm going to give you a little sneaky peek, as it won't be out in the shops until later this week.

This is the Big Autumn issue, so even more patterns than normal, for women, men, kids and home. That's one of the main reasons I like this mag so much, the number and variety of patterns each month is brilliant, and if you work out how much you'd spend to buy each pattern individually, or as part of a pattern book, compared with the cover price of the magazine it's incredible value. I also love that there are a great range of yarns used to suit all budgets, rather than just the 'designer' yarns preferred by some other magazines.

This month's patterns fall into two categories - Oversized and Autumn Brights. It's the second that have really caught my eye, I'm definitely a colour person, and there are a few patterns that will be added to my future project list.

As well as the patterns, there is always a main feature article which is a great read, this month is about Pinterest. I actually wrote in a few months ago in response to an article about 'Having a Go' at different techniques without fear, and my letter was published as the Star Letter, and I got a set of beautiful bamboo needles as a prize.

There are a couple of patterns from previous issues that I'm really keen to knit too, firstly this woven stitch jacket from last month (I've got some purple chunky yarn that will be perfect).

And this double moss and cable jumper from the month before that, I just love the crispness of the central cable against the double moss stitch.

I'm almost finished my red cotton cardi (it feels like it's been going on forever!) and am in the process of sewing up all the seams - I really need to start knitting things in the round! - and then I need to find some buttons, I'm thinking shiny gold ones.

It's not long now until the Knitting & Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace, Mum and I are going on Thursday 9th October, and I can't wait! I've been saving up for a mega yarn and fabric splurge - must remember I'll have to carry it all home on the train though!