Saturday, 1 August 2015

Rowan Spelt Cardigan

Hi! How are you all? Still enjoying the summer I hope, although the weather’s not been quite so good as it was at the beginning of the month. (Really must stop this compulsion to talk about the weather every time, it’s a horribly British thing isn’t it?!)

I’ve finished a new cardi this week using more of my favourite Rowan Purelife Revive – this is the last pack of it bought from the Knitting & Stitching Shows, although I’ve booked my tickets for the Ally Pally show in October so I’m sure I’ll be able to re-stock then!

I LOVE this colourway, orange is one of my favourite colours anyway, and this is a beautiful shade, and all the extra flecks in different colours add some interest and texture.

The pattern is Spelt from the Simple Shapes book I’ve used before and is a useful everyday round-necked cardigan with garter stitch edging and three buttons. The pattern recommends 10 balls of yarn for the size I’ve knitted, but I’ve actually ended up with slightly more than 2 balls leftover. I’m going to add these to the leftovers of the other colours and maybe do a stripy top or something.

Can’t really say much about the pattern or knitting process – nice and straightforward and one that I’ve been working on in front of the TV the last few weeks. It’s got some subtle waist shaping, and I like the three quarter sleeves. The button and buttonhole bands are knitted up separately then sewn on to the front pieces as they’re knitted on different sized needles, and I had to do a bit of maths to work out where to place the buttonholes – though I’ll probably rarely do the cardi up anyway.

I found some buttons in Mum’s button box to finish it off, and will wash and block it this weekend to settle in the sleeveheads a bit, they look a bit puffy at the moment!

My collection of me-made knitwear is rapidly outnumbering the bought items in my wardrobe, but I think that’s good because they’re things that I’ve invested time and effort into making, they’re colours and styles I like and suit me, and it’s always a nice feeling to say ‘thanks, I made it myself’ when someone compliments an outfit!

I won’t be posting for the next few weeks as I’m going away to enjoy some summer sunshine in foreign climes, but I’m taking a new knitting project with me, and am hoping to start on some paper-pieced patchwork when I’m back. So until September – happy crafting!